Vy Roza makes reference to Tatiana, the heroine of A. S. Pushkin’s novel, Eugene Onegin. “Vy Roza belle Tatiana” (“You are a Rose, beautiful Tatiana”), sings Parisian ballet master Triquet on her birthday.
Tatiana is kindness, gentleness, purity incarnated. She is happy and smiles at life. One day, she falls in love with Onegin, a jaded and cynical man. In spite of her modesty, she decides to write him a letter revealing her feelings. This moment is magnificently portrayed in P. I. Tchaikovski’s opera, Eugene Onegin. A. S. Pushkin’s verses and P. I. Tchaikovski’s music project the hopes of a budding romance and its captivating beauty. A magical moment where Tatiana feels the full power of life. She feels reborn; she feels like a woman; she feels beautiful and loving; she carries joy within. Everything seems possible and she is driven to act.